More Internet War Coverage

Since we seem to have taken Iraqi TV off the air I thought I’d try and find a web feed of al-Jazeera. Along the way I learned some interesting things about al-Jazeera in this article, In defense of al-Jazeera. Also interesting is that the al-Jazeera web site has shut down from spam and DoS attacks lauched from people in the U.S. angry about thier coverage of the war. Apparently Amercian sensibilies are so frail that they cannot even stand for others to see the effects of war. You can read about the attacks and the resulting delay of the english language version of the al-Jazeera web site here.
I finally found a web site with al-Jazeera feeds as well as many other great feeds including a live web cam from Baghdad coming in at 225Kbps. It looks great, one of the best looking web cams I’ve seen and the view is one that should be familiar to anyone who has seen any CNN coverage of the war thus far. Check out The Mother of all War Websties. I’m not sure if these feeds need to be accessed through a Netherlands proxy server or not.