In addition to Saturday’s little romp with disintegrating power lines, Sunday before we left town for the day all of Powell lost power. Then last night as we were settling in for our nightly hibernation around midnight, what happens? Big storm, nice lighting flash and POOF goes the power! There I go again, down to shut off all the servers and address all the endless beepings of the UPS’s. I didn’t sleep so well. The storm was LOUD, we had the windows in the bedroom open so we could get some cool air and could hear every drip drip drip off the gutters. And Bailey snores quite loud when there is no white noise to mask it. How can such a little dog make so much noise? And then added to the mix, it is a storm. Rain is pouring down. The sump pump isn’t pumping since there is no power. So I hooked it up to my friends APC 1400 UPS that is powering his Cobalt server, now powered down. The nice thing about his 1400 is that it doesn’t complain when the power is cut. The sump pump ran quite nicely off the 1400 until about 3:30 A.M. when it finally gave out. Still no power and the water level was getting high. So I connected it to one of my 1400’s which was at half charge from keeping servers running earlier when the power first went out. I let it pump down, set my alarm for 4:30 and went back to bed. This seemed to work pretty well and I continued this way until nearly 6 A.M when the power finally came back on. Oh what a fun night.