Wildlife Update

Yesterday while letting Bailey out I noticed deer rather close to the house. It was about 15 feet away walking along the yard side of the yard/woods boarder. It walked right by Bailey, who never noticed (poor old dog) and then just stood about 8 feet from the kitchen window and watched Traci and I watching it through the window. Bailey came up to the door several times, waited for us to open it, would get bored and then go back down the steps, walk around (never seeing the deer) and would then come back up to the door. I didn’t have my camera nearby and knew it would leave by the time I went and got it. Eventually it wondered off into the woods.

This morning at 6:30am the IR sensor on the driveway went off. I got up thinking it could be the landscaping people arriving bright and early. It was the deer again, walking across the driveway.

After setting up the coffee maker this morning I started opening up the window blinds since its shaping up to be a bright pretty day. There was the deer again, just over the woods line eating weeds. This time I did go get my camera and got some decent through the window blinds shots as it walked by. When it went around the corner of the house I went outside to see how close I could get. It didn’t get far. It was standing right next to the AC condensers. I took it’s picture and then it swung it’s head back and stared at me for a second before leaping off into the woods.

But it didn’t go far, maybe 20 feet into the woods. It just stood there looking at me. Then it started stomping its hoof at me and making this loud exhaling like sound. I didn’t know Deer made noises. It stomped at me quite a bit and then started advancing. It came about 8 feet closer and was still stomping and making a loud swooshing noise. It was acting very territorial. I remembered the video I’d seen once on some TV show about the man who covered himself with deer scent and was mauled by a deer that tried to mate with him and started to wonder if it would charge me.

I slowly went up the stairs and my movement caused it to back up into the woods a bit more. I took a few more pictures as well. I really need one of those nice new Prosumer 8 megabit digital SLR’s.

Here are two of the better pictures. As always click on the picture to see the full size 2 megabit version.

Deer near house

Deer in woods