Collected Links

Here are some interesting links I’ve collected over the past few days.

When I was in high school I always felt the purpose of it was to remove any desire to learn or achieve, except to learn to unquestioningly accept authority. It was a wasteland for me. I saw through it and was bored. Now there is some evidence that I was correct all this time. See this article from the Odysseus Group.

As long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to experience Zero-Gravity. Since we seem to have lost our political will to have humans in space and have been doing the equivalent of thumb twiddling for the past 30 years in regards to space exploration it seems the Zero Gravity Corporation is my best shot (from the MSN article Zero-gravity Flights go Mainstream)).

This is a killer idea for a room with no view, give it any view you want. The Virtual Window Project, may be expensive but it would be pretty sweet.

The Klingon language has come a long way. This german website is now available in Klingon.

Video gaming has reached a new level in it’s maturity as a medium with Games for Health. Maybe now some of the wilder fringer groups will start to back off a bit.

The Columbia Journalism Review has a great article on Homeland Security, or rather the failure of it.

I’ve come across this one before, but everytime I read about I think it sounds cool. Use your house plants as speakers! Now if only I could keep house plants alive….

And to wrap up my list of links, check out a new beta search engine from, called A9. This has some potential and I think I may start using it. Why? Check out Why use