The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul

Well, that’s most Sunday’s, but not today. After all these web updates Dan said “Let’s go see the Matrix Reloaded”. So we did. Good movie. It’s nice to see people being hit up with good eternal questions on the nature of reality and what is real. This movie delivers a lot of thought and a lot of effects. At times the fight scenes seem a tad over done and maybe too long, but then again it fits with the spirit of the genre and is a ton of fun. There are some priceless moments in the film.

After the movie we came home and started on our Pergo floor for real. Figured out the table saw (haven’t used one since 8th grade shop class) and fired it up with no problem. Only took off 3 fingers and shaved a 1/4″ off my elbow! We managed to get 5′ down before calling it quits at 9 P.M. Only 20′ more to go! Check out pictures of it here.

I also posted my first real effects shot! Using AlamDV2.0 with a HUD effect plug-in and some Borg sounds from ST:Voyager, I doctored up some video we took a few weeks ago when we installed a new stereo in Bob’s car. The video was DV shot through a pin-hole camera attached to a rake handle that I slid through the grass and called the “critter cam”. I think it came out pretty good. This is just a proff of concept to see how the software works. I have alot of ideas now on some cool things to try out. The video is 3 megs AVI format as MPEG4 v2 and is hosted over at FloozySpeak.